It’s tempting, when faced with a tight budget, to look for the most economical paint option available. For most of us that means picking the cheapest paint and calling it a day. This is not, however, always the best choice!
Higher-quality paint will, in almost every case, be longer lasting than cheaper options. It’s smooth, uniform appearance will last often as much as twice as long as cheaper paints. That means, in the long run, you’ll spend less money on paint, because the higher quality paint will simply last longer on your walls.
High quality paint is also easier to apply. It generally doesn’t need as many coats as lower quality paint – again, decreasing your overall costs. You’ll do less brushing or rolling because it flows more easily, saving you time if you’re painting your home yourself. It also tends to splatter less thanks to its viscosity, making cleanup a more simple task.
High-quality paint is also more durable. It is actively dirt resistant, meaning fingerprints and stains won’t stick as easily or as quickly. It’s also easier to clean than cheaper paints, so when they do get dirty, they’re easier to handle.
So, what do we mean when we say look for a high-quality paint? There are two major indicators to look for:
A high-quality paint will have a high percentage of solids. That is to say, it will have more binders and pigments and less liquid than lower quality paints. For latex paint, a high-quality paint will often be around 40% solids, while lower-quality paint is closer to 20%.
High quality paints will also generally have higher concentrations of titanium dioxide, especially in white or light-colored paints. Titanium dioxide is a white pigment, often known as “the whitest white”, as opposed to cheaper but less-refractive materials like calcium carbonate or zinc oxide.
Of course, if you’re unsure about any of this, you can trust the experts at Premier Painters. We’ll make sure your next big painting job is a snap!