Picking a color scheme for children’s rooms can be a fun experience or a difficult challenge – and usually both at the same time.  People expect kids’ rooms to be a little more wild and creatively ‘out there’, giving you more freedom to lean away from neutral colors and into something that best expresses their personality.  Here are a few tips on how to plan a color scheme for your children’s room.

Include Your Child in the Discussion

If your child is old enough to have an opinion, they should definitely be included in the decision-making process.  The older they are, the more involved they can be – you’re not going to get much beyond ‘favorite color’ with a three-year-old, but a 12 year old might have stronger creative ideas to work with.  This doesn’t mean you have to do everything they want all the time, of course, but they’ll be spending the most time in the room and they know what they like!

Think About The Future

If there’s one thing certain about kids it’s that nothing is certain about kids.  They change their interests and hobbies very quickly as they grow up, and what was cool and amazing at one point might seem overly childish or embarrassing two years down the line.  That can lead to having to redo the entire room every few years, which is a huge hassle.  One way to get around this is to have three walls painted a neutral shade, and one focal wall where you go with a big, fun color or theme.  That way, when tastes and interests change, you only have to re-do one wall.

Tried and True Color Schemes

It’s modern tradition for boys’ rooms to be more blue and girl’s rooms to be more pink and pastel.  This may be a bit stereotypical, but the stereotypes do exist for a reason – it tends to be what kids gravitate towards.  Blue mixes well with splashes of bright orange or red for accents and trims, while teal or soft green can provide a great accent for pink spaces.  Don’t be afraid to go with a classic color scheme if that’s what your children want – but if your daughter wants khaki and navy blue, or your son wants pale pink and cream white, go for it!  Remember, the color choices in a room allow them to express themselves, and that should be encouraged.  Just don’t let them pick something that goes entirely against the rest of the style of your home!